Crab and Cabbage Tortilla
Crab and Cabbage Tortilla
1 Cabbage, shredded
1 cup Crab Meat, flaked
1 clove Garlic, minced
1 Onion, minced
1 Tomato, chopped
10 tablespoon Lard
2 Eggs
1 tablespoon Fish Sauce (Patis)
1.) Sautè the Garlic in lard until brown. Add
Onion, Tomato and Cabbage with little water.
2.) When cooked, add the Crab Meat and pour
a little patis. Set aside.
3.) Beat the Egg whites, then add the yolks. Add
the crab mixture and fry on a banana leaf until
4.) Serve hot with ketchup.